Aiken Regional Airport Arrivals/Departures

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View the latest aircraft arriving and departing from the Aiken Regional Airport (KAIK). For the latest and updated information please visit KAIK Information.


Arrivals (More)

Ident Type From Depart Arrive
N800CXBE36Near Aiken, SC 05:40p EDT 05:46p EDT
N8BNBE33Greenville Downtown () 04:52p EDT 05:34p EDT
N151LNEC30Near Aiken, SC 04:11p EDT 04:16p EDT
N571LLM20TRockingham Co () 10:19a EDT 11:31a EDT
N448WPJohn C Tune () 07:05a CDT 10:32a EDT


Departures (More)

Ident Type To Depart Arrive
N151LNEC30Near Orangeburg, SC 04:49p EDT
result unknown (?)
N571LLM20TRockingham Co () 12:57p EDT
02:07p EDT